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Account login

Authentication by password

Enter your user name as sent you from Leumi

Password consists of 6 to 12 characters and contains only letters and numbers without spaces.
Note! In the first six characters, letters and digits.

After logging into the system, you can change your password and settings in the 'Settings' tab.

If you can not remember the password, you can produce a new password using Clicking the 'Forgot / Blocked' link.
In addition, you can contact the support center at <span> 03-9544333 , ,[object Object], , ,<ul> ,[object Object], ,[object Object], ,[object Object], </ul></span>

Identification using Leumi's app

How does it work?

Activate the camera on your mobile device
Scan the QR code and click
on the link
Identify on Leumi's app
That's it! You are logged into your account on the Leumi's website

For optimal browsing experience

we recommend browsing with a Chrome browser version 75 or higher